


The name Giappo Franca is a combination of the Italian word “Giappone,” meaning “Japan,” and “Lingua Franca,” a common language among speakers of different native languages,
The name Giappo Franca was coined by combining the Italian word “Giappone,” meaning “Japan,” and “Lingua Franca,” used as a common language between speakers of different native languages.

Fusion of Cultures:
Symbolizes the fusion of Japanese and Western cultures, and expresses its role as a place where Japanese and world cultures meet.

International Exchange:
to bring together people from different cultural backgrounds.
Functioning as a place for international exchange that brings together people of different cultural backgrounds, supporting foreign visitors to Japan and business opportunities.

Dissemination of Japanese Culture:
As a platform for promoting Japanese culture to the world, the hotel introduces the charms of Japan to guests in Japan and abroad.

Reflecting the diversity of experiences offered by the hotel and its will to promote international exchange, the hotel aims to provide a special experience for all visitors. This concept is reflected in every aspect of the hotel, from design to service.